Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Me with a few of my little buddies after Thrive for 5 one day, Lensly (left) and Wensley (right). =) <3

A few verses that keep coming up in my devotions and readings are: Luke 18:10-11 and 13. And Luke 18:14, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” And from the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, he really put into words exactly how I have been feeling lately: “A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be “humble enough,” and so they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known.” I was very clear when coming into this that it wasn’t about me. I knew that I would be PART of the new programs going on here, but I wouldn’t be the one to make or break them. It has never been about me, not even for a minute. I recently have become extremely sensitive to the feelings of pride after thinking about how easy it would be for me to feel prideful at this time in my life. 

If I wasn’t being watchful for it, it would be so simple right now to have a false sense of “awesomeness” about myself for just doing what God has called me to do. I am literally told all the time “how great it is that I am in Haiti,” and “how proud my parents must be of me doing such a wonderful thing,” or “how great of a person I am for helping people in such a poor country.” All of those things make me feel uneasy and make me realize that some people don’t really ‘get it.’ Being in Haiti serving the Lord makes me no better than anyone else and it certainly doesn’t make me feel any better about myself, in fact I probably feel even worse some days! Some days I honestly ask God why he has decided to bring me here –see, sometimes I even doubt God’s plan – how can I even call myself a missionary!? Nobody should ever think just because someone does mission work, “they have it right and all figured out” because that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I am just as much of a sinner as everyone else is and I’m still working on figuring stuff out. I need to be reminded of the Fruits of the Spirit constantly and need to check myself to see if I actually am being fruitful. Anybody can give up material things for a few years and give some stuff to needy people, but what matters most is where your heart is and that’s what you need to constantly check. Just because God has chosen to stick me here right now doesn’t make me any different from those of you who are called to serve back home. My main point is this whole thing should never be about “me being IN HAITI and being such a great person for moving here.” (Again, so not true.) It’s about all that God is doing and it’s about furthering His kingdom wherever you are called to do so – whether we are at home working on witnessing to our neighbors or in Haiti working on witnessing to a witch doctor. We are all in the same boat!

                As most of you know from my previous blog, I’m a background girl and sometimes compliments are really hard for me to take. As I said, especially when our team gets told all the time, “you guys do such awesome work, you guys are so great for living there and working in a place like that every day,” etc. God has really been working on my heart recently and I have become very sensitive to these ‘compliments.’ Don’t get me wrong, encouragement is great! But sometimes I feel like the way things are said, aren’t necessarily focused on the Lord, they are more focused on “us being such great people.” I would so much rather hear, “wow I can really see God working here, the love of Jesus is oozing out of you!” I know most people don’t mean it bad when they give us compliments and I’m not saying they aren’t nice sometimes, but if I honestly let them all go to my head – it would probably explode with pride! I would also probably think this couldn’t be done without me, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. I am PART of God’s plan, it doesn’t revolve around me. We can all be part of God’s plan if we choose to be, but that doesn’t mean it’s about any of us. I think this is a good lesson for everyone to be reminded of and God has really been placing it on my heart. No matter where we are at in our faith walk or what country we are in, it’s not about us, it’s about making ourselves less known so that we can make Christ more known. We all have to work at picking up our cross daily and following our wonderful, powerful, and loving Savior.

                Ebens, Cassidy, Cliff, and I got to go visit Denilson last week and couldn’t have been more excited! Denilson is an 8 year old boy who was badly burned and Many Hands for Haiti has decided to get him the help he needs to heal. He is doing so well and we have posted many pictures of his recovery on the Many Hands for Haiti Facebook page, as well as on my own Facebook page. We will continue to give updates about him as we have them! Thank you so much for the prayers, he needs them! God has a great big plan for this beautiful child’s life! =)

                I am really looking forward to coming home December 18th and we would really appreciate the prayers as we fly out that day. I have been craving the most random things like: milk, apples, green olives, pickles, and yogurt to name a few. Of course junk food is ALWAYS good to have around as well, but strangely enough that’s not what I miss the most! It will be so great to spend the holiday season with my family and friends! Can’t wait to see some of you back in Spencer soon! =)

